Compatible YUV CODEC for your High Definition video post production work using Drastic Technologies video CODEC pack.
If you have chosen to edit and do your own post production and authoring work on the uncompressed image frame sequences that HomeDVD has produced for you, there may be a need to use a compatible HD video codec.
Normally, if you plan to use Adobe Premiere Pro, CS3, CS4, CS5x or MAC Final Cut, the necessary codecs are already part of the application software load. If not, you will have to download a free YUV codec pack from Drastic Technologies. After installation verify that the applicable codecs are actually there on your export window dialogs of your NLE software package.
When the film frame sequences are captured in square pixel 24 bit BMP images (1440 x 1080, 8bpp), they are converted in the Adobe AE environment to AVI YUV 4:2:2 AVI video, in 8bit pixel resolutions (30fps, progressive – non-pulldown state).
If you plan to use SONY Vegas, CyberLink, Pinnacle, Nero Vision or Premiere Elements for example they may not include a compatible YUV codec. If so, download the Drastic CODEC pack using the link below. Verify this by taking a look at the application’s file import or export properties window once a random video sample has been loaded.
It is highly recommended to edit and do any compositing based video work in the YUV 4:2:2 color space. Export the final video file in Quicktime YUV 8bit 4:2:2. It is far more efficient than staying in the AVI container condition. Only then apply any compression to the finished video files (MP4, MPEG, MKV etc). The Drastic codec supports both 8bit and 10bit YUV video forms.
Download Info…
Get your free YUV codec from the Drastic Technologies web site using this link: Drastic Technologies
Please read the preamble of the Drastic Tech page, then scroll down mid page for the actual download links “Downloads” title. Go to “Available Install Versions” — DOWNLOAD.
Also read the “Readme Text” (Install.txt file from the new installers) file for further installation instructions.
If you are having issues with this link, please email me at